Stainless steels
As chromium is added to steels, the corrosion resistance
increases progressively due to the formation of a thin protective film of
Cr203, the so-called passive layer. With the addition of about 12% Cr, steels
have good resistance to atmo- spheric corrosion and the popular convention is
that this is the minimum level of chromium that must be incorporated in an
iron-based material before it can be designated a stainless steel. However, of
all steel types, the stainless grades are the most diverse and complex in terms
of composition, microstructure and mechanical properties. Given this situation,
it is not surprising that stainless steels have found a very wide range of
application, ranging from the chemical, phar- maceutical and power generation
industries on the one hand to less aggressive situations in architecture,
domestic appliances and street furniture on the other. By the late 1800s,
iron-chromium alloys were in use throughout the world but without the
realization of their potential as corrosion-resistant materials. Harry
Brearley, a Sheffield metallurgist, is credited with the discovery of
martensitic stainless steels in 1913 when working on the development of
improved rifle barrel steels. He found that a steel containing about 0.3% C and
13% Cr was difficult to etch and also remained free from rust in a laboratory
environment. Such a steel formed the basis of the cutlery industry in Sheffield
and as Type 420 is still used for this purpose to the present day. During the
same period, researchers in Germany were responding to pres- sures for improved
steels for the chemical industry. Up until that time, steels containing high
levels of nickel were in use as tarnish-resistant materials but had inadequate
resistance to corrosion. Two Krupp employees, Benno Strauss and Eduard Maurer,
are credited with the discovery of Cr-Ni austenitic stainless steels and
patents on these materials were registered in 1912. However, workers in France
and the United States are also cited as independent discoverers of these
steels. During the 1920s and 1930s, rapid developments took place which led to
the introduction of most of the popular grades that are still in use today,
such as Type 302 (18% Cr, 8% Ni), Type 316 (18% Cr, 12% Ni, 2.5% Mo), Type 410
(12% Cr) and Type 430 (17% Cr). However, even in the 1950s, stainless steels
were still regarded as semi-precious metals and were priced accordingly. Up
until the 1960s, these steels were still produced in small electric arc
furnaces, sometimes of less than 10 tonnes capacity. The process was carried
out in a single stage, involving the melting of scrap, nickel and ferro-chrome,
with production times in excess of 389 hours. However, substantial gains were
achieved with the installation of larger furnaces with capacities greater than
100 tonnes and the introduction of oxygen refining techniques also increased
productivity very substantially. Since the early 1970s, the production of
stainless steels has been based on a two-stage process, the first employing a
conventional electric arc furnace for the rapid melting of scrap and
ferro-alloys but using cheap, high- carbon ferro-chrome as the main source of
chromium units. The high-carbon melt is then refined in a second stage, using
either an argon-oxygen decarburizer (AOD) or by blowing with oxygen under
vacuum (VOD). The AOD process is now employed for over 80% of the world's
production of stainless steel and produces 100 tonnes of material in less than
one hour. However, in addition to achieving faster production rates, the
intimate mixing with special slags results in very efficient desulphurization.
Other benefits also accrue from the facility to produce carbon contents of less
than 0.01% and hydrogen levels of 2-3 pm.
Underlying metallurgical principles
As indicated in the Overview, stainless steel grades cover a
wide range of compositions which results in the generation of a variety of
microstructures and mechanical properties.
Reference will be made in this chapter to the
composition-structure relationships which show that alloying elements in
stainless steels can be divided into two groups, namely those that promote the
formation of an austenitic structure at hot rolling or solution treatment
temperatures and those that promote the formation of delta ferrite. Chromium is
the principal alloying element in stainless steels and this promotes the
formation of delta ferrite at high temperature. However, iron can accommodate
up to about 13% Cr at a temperature of around 1050"C and still remain
completely austenitic at that temperature. On the other hand, the Ms-Me
temperature range of a 12% Cr steel is sufficiently high to allow this material
to transform completely to martensite on cooling to ambient temperature. An
increase in chromium from 12 to 17% brings about a progressive change from
austenite to delta ferfite at high temperature and the ferrite remains
unchanged on cooling to ambient temperature. Nickel is a strong
austenite-forming element and is added to stainless steels in order to preserve
an austenitic structure in the presence of high chromium contents. Thus a steel
containing 18% Cr 9% Ni is completely austenitic at a temperature of
1050"C but the overall alloy content now depresses the Ms-Mf temperature
range to sub-zero temperatures. Therefore this material retains its austenitic
structure on cooling to ambient temperature, providing a relatively low
strength but a high level of formability.
Elements such as silicon, molybdenum and titanium also
promote the formation of delta ferrite at high temperature, whereas carbon,
nitrogen, manganese and copper promote the formation of austenite. Therefore
consideration must also be given to the presence of these elements, in addition
to the balance between chromium and nickel, in determining the structure of
stainless steels at elevated temperatures. However, both austenite- and
ferrite-forming elements will depress the Ms-Mf range and influence the
microstructure formed on cooling to ambient temperature. Therefore the
constitution of stainless steels is governed by:
(i) the balance between austenite- and ferdte-forming
elements which controls the structure at hot rolling and solution treatment
(ii) the overall alloy content which controls the Ms-Me
temperature range and therefore the structure and properties at ambient
Austenitic stainless steels can be subjected to severe
cold-forming operations, for example in the cold rolling of hot band to strip
gauges and also in the production of domestic sinks and tableware from annealed
strip. This introduces the topic of strain-induced martensite, whereby a
material which is austenitic in the solution-treated condition can transform
partially or completely to martensite with the application of cold work at
ambient temperature. Detailed consideration is given to this topic later in the
chapter, but in essence it relates to the stability of the austenitic
structure, as influenced by the overall alloy content, and the destabilizing
effects due to the magnitude and temperature of cold deformation.
The metallurgy of the 12% Cr martensitic grades is similar to
that involved in the engineering grades, although the presence of such a large
amount of chromium induces a very high degree of hardenability and these steels
are capable of devel- oping a martensitic structure in substantial section
sizes, even in the aft-cooled condition. However, like their low-alloy
counterparts, the 12% Cr grades must be tempered to produce a good combination
of strength and ductility/toughness and both types of steel often incorporate additions
of molybdenum and vanadium in order to improve the tempering resistance through
the formation of stable carbides.
Whereas austenitic stainless steels are used in domestic or
architectural applica- tions, where corrosion resistance and aesthetic appeal
are the main requirements, they are also employed in pressure vessels where
both corrosion resistance and strength are important considerations. As
indicated in the Overview, solid solution strengthening with additions of
nitrogen is the main avenue for the production of higher-strength austenitic
stainless steels. Precipitation-strengthening reactions can also be induced in
these grades through the precipitation of carbides and inter- metallic
compounds based on nickel, aluminium and titanium. However, such materials have
found little commercial application, due possibly to weldability problems and
poor corrosion properties. Stainless steels resist corrosion through the
formation of a thin passive film of Cr203 and, very broadly, the corrosion
resistance of these materials increases with chromium content. However, as
illustrated by the previous remarks, marked variations in microstructure are
introduced with the addition of alloying elements with a marked effect on
mechanical properties. Thus the 12% Cr martensitic grades are capable of
developing high levels of strength but with only moderate resistance to
corrosion. In contrast, an austenitic grade, based on 18% Cr 9% Ni, has a low
strength but a significantly higher resistance to corrosion, the latter being
enhanced by the addition of molybdenum. Therefore throughout the broad range of
stainless steels, there will be a compromise between corrosion resistance and
other properties, such as strength, formability and weldability. Additionally,
it is necessary to differentiate between the various types of corrosion in
stainless steels, notably:
However, whereas these types of corrosion will be discussed
at a later stage, the authors are conscious of the fact that the treatment of
corrosion in this text is superficial and reflects their limited knowledge of
the subject.
Composition-structure relationships
Iron-chromium alloys
The simplest stainless steels consist of iron-chromium alloys
but in fact the binary iron-chromium system can give rise to a wide variety of
microstructures with markedly different mechanical properties. The Fe-Cr
equilibrium diagram is shown in Figure 4.1 and is characterized by two
distinctive features, namely:
1. The presence of sigma phase at about 50% Cr.
2. The restricted
austenite phase field,often called the gamma-loop.
Sigma phase is an intermetallic compound, which is hard and
brittle and can be produced in alloys containing substantially less than 50%
Cr. It also has an adverse effect on the corrosion resistance of stainless
steels and therefore care should be taken to avoid extended exposure in the
temperature range 750-820~ which favours its formation.
From a commercial standpoint, the area of the Fe-Cr diagram
of greatest importance is that containing up to about 25% Cr, and a simplified
illustration of that region for alloys containing 0.1% C is shown in Figure
4.2. Because chromium is a mild carbide former, many types of stainless steel
are solution treated at temperatures significantly higher than those used for
low-alloy steels in order to dissolve the chromium carbides. A solution
treatment temperature of 10500C is typical of a variety of stainless steel
grades and this will be used as a reference temperature in relation to the
microstructure at high temperature. As illustrated in Figure 4.2, 0.1% C steels
can accommodate up to about 13.5% Cr at 10500C and still remain austenitic with
a face-centred-cubic structure. As the chromium content of the steels is
increased within this range, the hardenability also increases very
substantially such that large section sizes can be through- hardened to
martensite on cooling to room temperature. For example, a steel containing 12%
Cr and 0.12% C will form martensite at the centre of a 100 mm bar on air
cooling from 10500C and the limiting section can be increased to about 500 mm
by oil quenching from this temperature. It should also be noted that the Ms-Mf
transformation range is depressed significantly with large additions of
chromium. However, for most commercial grades of 11-13% Cr steels, the
transformation range is above room temperature and therefore the formation of
retained austenite is not a major problem.
Iron-chromium-nickel alloys
Whereas chromium restricts the formation of austenite, nickel
has the opposite effect and, as illustrated in Figure 4.4, the Fe-Ni
equilibrium diagram displays an expanded austenite phase field. In the context
of stainless steels, chromium is therefore termed a ferrite former and nickel
an austenite former. Thus having created a substantially ferritic
microstructure with a large addition of chromium, it is possible to reverse the
process and re-establish an austenitic structure by adding a large amount of
nickel to a high-chromium steel. As indicated in Figure 4.3, a steel containing
17% Cr and 0.1% C will have a microstructure of about 65% delta ferrite-35%
austenite at a solution treatment temperature of I050~ The various changes that
then occur with the addition of nickel to a base steel of this composition are
illustrated in Figure 4.5. This shows that the delta ferrite content is
steadily reduced and at 1050~ the steels become fully austenitic with the
addition of about 5% nickel. On cooling to room temperature, the austenite in
these low-nickel steels transforms to marten- site and therefore there is
initially a progressive increase in hardness with the addition of nickel as
martensite replaces delta ferrite. However, the addition of nickel also
depresses the Ms-Mf transformation range and at nickel contents greater than
about 4% the M f temperature is depressed below room tempera- ture. Further
additions of nickel therefore lead to a decrease in hardness due to incomplete
transformation to martensite and the formation of retained austenite. As
indicated by the hardness data in Figure 4.5, refrigeration at -78~ causes the
retained austenite to transform to martensite over a limited composition range
until the Ms temperature coincides with the refrigeration temperature. In
commer- cial 18% Cr 9% Ni austenitic stainless steels, the Ms has been
depressed to very low temperatures and little transformation to martensite can
be induced, even at the liquid nitrogen temperature.
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