Noice Pollution



The word “noise” comes from the Latin word “nausea” meaning “seasickness”.  The undesirable sound or unwanted sound is called noise.  Noise is a disturbance to the human environment.  Noise is an inescapable part of modern life.  Noise pollution is the major pollutant in developing India.



“Noise pollution is defined as the undesirable or unwanted sound that causes discomfort all the living beings”


Sources of noise pollution

          The source of noise is either natural or man made.  The natural noise comes from volcanic eruptions, stroms, sea wave, thunder and animal sound.  The main sources of man made noises are from industry (Textile mills, generators and bore well drillers), Transport (Motor cycle, buses, rail noise) and neighbourhood (radio, TV, religious functions, kitchen appliances) in developing countries.  Aircraft noise is the largest (after roadway noise) source of environmental noise.

          Noise is measured in decibel.  One dB is equal to the faintest sound, a human can hear.  A noise dosimeter or noise dosemeter is a specialized sound level meter, used to measure the noise exposure of the person integrated over a period of time.

1.  The ambient noise levels recommended by central pollution control board


Day 6am-10pm

Night 10pm-6am














Effects of Noise pollution

·       It damages physiological and psychological health

·       It causes annoyance and aggression

·       It increases the rate of heart bead and blood pressure

·       It causes headache, mental fatigue and lack of concentration

·       It causes hearing loss, deafness

·       Ultrasonic sound can affect semicircular canals of the internal ear and cause nausea and dizziness

·       Noise disturbs sleep.


Control of Noise pollution

1.   Source control

The sources that generate unwanted sound should be reduced.  This may include source modification such as acoustic treatment to machine surfaces, design changes, limiting the operational timings and so on.  Wheels of the machines must be oiled properly.  The loud speakers should be set at low sound.


2.   Transmission path intervention

This may include containing the source inside a sound insulating enclosure, construction of noise barrier or provision of sound absorbing materials along the path.  Trees absorb pollution.  So, plantation of tree in public places, around industries, cities and on the sides of roads is to be encouraged.


3.   Receptor control

This include protection of the receiver by altering the work schedule.  having a ear plug or cotton plugs to protect the ear drum from noise pollution.


4.   Preventive measure

·       Residential area, hospitals, school, etc may be constructed far away from city.

·       Declaration of “no horn zone” in residential, hospital and school areas.

·       Restriction should be on the use of loud speakers/utility address system.

·       Immediate steps to be taken to control manufacturing and selling of fire crackers exceeding the prescribed limits.

·       Noise limits must be prescribed for automobiles, domestic appliances and construction equipment at the manufacturing stage.

·       Noise can be reduced by prescribing noise limits for vehicles traffic.

·       Honking of horns should be banned.

·       Noise proof building should be constructed.

·       Education and awareness should be taught about the consequences of noise

Pollution in massive scale though media.


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